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来源:2exam.com 2013-11-30 17:11:18




  Write an essay on the “Construction of Information superhighway System”. You are supposed to include:

  1. What’s information Superhighway System?

  2. Advantages of the construction of the system and problems involved.

  3. Your attitude and conclusion.


  本课的写作属于提纲式作文。从总体上讲,本课的写作属于议论文范畴的advantage and disadvantages 类,即要求就某一事物的优点和缺点进行阐述,然后表达自己的态度和观点。











  Construction of Information Superhighway System

  The 20th century has seen many developments in science and technology. The development of information superhighway system serves as one of the most notable examples. As the latest product of the “technology revolution”, the information superhighway has ushered in a new era of global information. But what’s the information superhighway system? Actually, it’s not the highway for our daily traffic, it’s a network formed by the connection of billions of computers jin the world, making the information transfer and exchange more convenient and cheaper. From it we can easily get any information we need.

  There is no denying that the information superhighway system can vastly improve the efficiency of scientific research; it allows scientist swift access to all the data and research findings in their field available worldwide. Moreover as information is as valuable as any material resource, anyone who has access t the latest information has competitive advantage in business over those who don’t last but not le4ast, it can make the personal communication both more conve4nient and more rapid.

  However, as the old saying goes, every coin has two sides and that includes the information superhighway system, which can be a strain on the budget of a developing country. For another, not all the information available on this system is either useful or harmless; the downloaded violent and pornographic items can have a bad influence on the youth.

  But, all in all, I believe that the pros outweigh the cons. As the globalization of the world economy, any country which falls behind in the “information race” will become economically backward. The construction and development of information superhighway system be greatly advocated.

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